Pre-school screening

Pre-school screening

Preparing Your Child for School: Recommended Clinical Tests to Ensure Optimal Health

At Medicaid, we understand that your child's health is your top priority. As children return to school, it's important to ensure that they are healthy and ready to learn. That's why we offer clinical tests that can help identify any potential health issues that may affect your child's ability to participate in school activities or learn effectively.

Here are some of the clinical tests that we recommend for children before returning to school:
  • Vision and hearing tests: Vision and hearing problems can significantly affect a child's learning experience. We recommend that all children undergo a vision and hearing test to ensure that they can see and hear properly.
  • Immunizations: Immunizations are an important way to protect your child from various infectious diseases. It's important to ensure that your child's immunizations are up-to-date before returning to school.
  • Physical exams: A comprehensive physical exam can help identify any potential health issues that may affect your child's ability to participate in school activities. During the exam, the doctor will check your child's height, weight, blood pressure, and overall health.
  • Blood tests: Blood tests can help identify any potential health issues that may not be apparent during a physical exam. We may recommend blood tests to check for anemia, lead poisoning, or other conditions that may affect your child's health.

By scheduling these clinical tests before your child returns to school, you can ensure that your child is healthy and ready to learn. Our experienced healthcare professionals will work with you and your child to make the testing process as comfortable and stress-free as possible.



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Working Hour

  • Monday 8:00-19:00
  • Tuesday 8:00-19:00
  • Wednesday 8:00-19:00
  • Thursday 8:00-19:00
  • Friday 8:00-19:00
  • Saturday 10:00-16:00
  • Sunday 10:00-16:00