

What is Polypectomy?

Polypectomy is a medical procedure in which a polyp is removed from the lining of an organ or tissue in the body. Polyps are abnormal growths that can occur in various parts of the body

Common areas where polypectomy is used::

  • Colon and rectum: Colonoscopy is a procedure used to examine the inside of the colon and rectum, and it can also be used to remove polyps found in these areas.
  • Stomach: Gastroscopy is a procedure used to examine the inside of the stomach, and it can also be used to remove polyps found in this area.
  • Uterus: Hysteroscopy is a procedure used to examine the inside of the uterus, and it can also be used to remove polyps found in this area.
  • Nasal cavity: Nasal polypectomy is a procedure used to remove polyps that develop in the nasal cavity.
  • Bladder: Cystoscopy is a procedure used to examine the inside of the bladder, and it can also be used to remove polyps found in this area.

Commonly used techniques for polypectomy:

Snare polypectomy: This is the most common technique used for removing polyps. In this technique, a thin wire loop called a snare is placed around the base of the polyp, and then an electrical current is used to cut through the polyp and remove it.

Hot biopsy: This technique is used for small polyps. A small electrical current is used to heat up the biopsy forceps, which are then used to remove the polyp.

Cold biopsy: This technique is used for small polyps that are less than 3 mm in size. In this technique, a small forceps is used to remove the polyp without using any electrical current.

Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR): This technique is used for larger polyps. In this technique, a special solution is injected into the area around the polyp to lift it up, and then the polyp is removed using a snare.

Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD): This technique is similar to EMR, but it is used for larger and more complex polyps. In this technique, a special knife is used to carefully dissect the polyp from the surrounding tissue.

Polypectomy is a simple, safe and effective procedure for the removal of polyps from the colon, which can help prevent colon cancer." - Dr. Mark Pochapin


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